Car Crash

I can still hear the sounds of metal crunching, glass breaking, and people screaming in the distance. That sickening smell of dust floating lazily through the air, Ive always hated that smell, Its just worse now. The feeling of another vehicle ramming into the right side of your own vehicle while travling way too fast. The awful knowledge that it is all. your. fault. I screamed, I yelled, I cried. I cried for so long that by the time I needed to call my parents to tell them what happened, I could barely form a coherent sentence. The ambulance workers got my sad slab of a self off the ground from near my vehicle and hauled me into the ambulance. They tried to console me, they tried to say it was alright. The only thing I could make out was “I'm sorry, It's all my fault. They are going to kill me. Why am I like this? Why was I so blind?” They asked to know where it hurt, and motioned to the area. They had me take off my shirt and the worst bruising I have ever seen was there in bright red, all across my chest. Soon the police showed up, and then my parents. I cooperated through my cries, everyone trying to tell me that it's fine, and that it was just an accident. I know it was, but it doesn't stop me from feeling miserable about this. I had just ruined someone's vehicle, I had injured someone... I could have killed them. I could have died. Maybe... maybe I should have died.

Later that day I was soaking in the pain. Everytime i merely moved, pain raced up the right side of my body. My brother and sister came in to check on me after I got home. I was happy they wanted to see me, to make sure that I was alright, but I was saddened they had to see me in such a state like that. I didn't eat much for dinner that night, I knew whatever I put in my body was going to come right back up in a short amount of time. Before falling asleep that night I said that I never wanted to get back in a vehicle again, but that next morning I slowly approached another vehicle that I knew could have another tragic end to it. I started the engine and heard it struggle, and then it roared to life. My heart was beating as fast as the engine was running, I drove it down the road and towards the location where it all went down. I still feel struck with fear whenever I go through that cursed intersection.