About Me!
Welcome to my corner of the internet! Im just a 16-year old with a huge love for Pokemon and a lot of thoughts about life, mental health, and growing up. To be honest, I’ve already talked about myself in other parts of my site, so Ill just do a full lore dump about the tiny stuff I can remember.
I started off as a small blob of flesh born in the Summer of 2008. I dont remember much from those early years, but who does? Around age 3, my family literally picked up our house (yes, theres a TV episode about it) and moved it to a new town, but still in the country. (Im a farm kid, lol.) At 5, I started preschool, and according to my parents, teachers, and my own memory, I was a handful throughout elementary school. I also discovered some amazing books during those years, like Percy Jackson, Wings of Fire, and Land of Stories.
In first grade, my parents gave me a 3DS (which I wasntouch in third grade (RIP, the best piece of tech from my childhood) and a flip phone in fourth grade that somehow had internet access. By sixth grade, I had my first real phone, which led to unrestricted internet access and, well, some questionable browsing habits. (Im looking at you, Reddit and DeviantArt.)
The years between 2020 and 2024 were some of the hardest of my life. Between online classes, losing friends, and figuring out my identity, it felt like everything was falling apart. But in 2023, I realized I was trans, and while its been a complicated journey, its also been one of the most important discoveries of my life. Its like finding a missing piece of myself, even if the world doesnt always make it easy. And yeah, 2024 has been rough, nearly failing a class and getting into car accidents definitely didnt help, but Im still here, still trying to figure things out. Pokemon and my other interests keep me going, and Im learning to be kinder to myself, even on the bad days.